Module swh_graph::java_compat::sf

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Static functions

Static functions are data structures designed to store arbitrary mappings f : X → Σ from a finite set of keys X ⊆ U to an alphabet Σ, where U is a universe of possible keys. Given x ∈ U, a static function returns a value that is f(x) when x ∈ X; on U \ X, the result is irrelevant. In general, one looks for representations returning their output in constant time. Functions can be easily implemented using hash tables, but since they are allowed to return any value if the queried key is not in X, in the static case we can break the information-theoretical lower bound of storing the set X. In fact, constructions for static functions achieve just O(|X| log |Σ|) bits of space, regardless of the nature of X and U. This makes static functions a powerful techniques when handling, for instance, large sets of strings, and they are important building blocks of space-efficient data structures such as (compressed) full-text indexes, (monotone) MPHFs, Bloom filter-like data structures, and prefix-search data structures.

Imported from sux-rs
