Crate pthash

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Rust bindings for PTHash, a C++ library implementing perfect-hash functions using:

Internal code structure

Due to C++ templates being closer to macros than to Rust generics, every possible instantiation of type parameters of the Rust struct needs to be mapped to a concrete C++ class.

This is invisible when using the crate, but means only hash algorithms and encoders explicitly allowed by this crate can be used. Additionally, the allow list can be adjusted through features to cut down on the combinatorial explosion of template instantiations and linking with Rust types; see Cargo.toml for details.


Minimal PHF

use pthash::{
    BuildConfiguration, DictionaryDictionary, Hashable, Minimal, MurmurHash2_64, Phf, SinglePhf

let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let mut config = BuildConfiguration::new(temp_dir.path().to_owned());
// config.minimal_output = true; // unlike the C++ API, this is implicit from f's type

let keys: Vec<&[u8]> = vec!["abc".as_bytes(), "def".as_bytes(), "ghikl".as_bytes()];

let mut f = SinglePhf::<Minimal, MurmurHash2_64, DictionaryDictionary>::new();
f.build_in_internal_memory_from_bytes(&keys, &config).expect("Failed to build");

// Hashes are unique and in the [0; 3) segment
let mut hashes: Vec<u64> = keys.iter().map(|key| f.hash(key)).collect();
assert_eq!(hashes, vec![0, 1, 2]);

// Hashing an object that wasn't provided when building the function collides
assert!(f.hash(b"not_a_key".as_bytes()) < 3);

Non-minimal PHF

use pthash::{
    BuildConfiguration, DictionaryDictionary, Hashable, Nonminimal, MurmurHash2_64, Phf, SinglePhf

let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let mut config = BuildConfiguration::new(temp_dir.path().to_owned());

let keys: Vec<&[u8]> = vec!["abc".as_bytes(), "def".as_bytes(), "ghikl".as_bytes()];

let mut f = SinglePhf::<Nonminimal, MurmurHash2_64, DictionaryDictionary>::new();
f.build_in_internal_memory_from_bytes(&keys, &config).expect("Failed to build");

// Hashes are unique
let mut hashes: Vec<u64> = keys.iter().map(|key| f.hash(key)).collect();

// But not necessarily in the [0; 3) segment (not minimal)
// assert_eq!(hashes, vec![0, 1, 2]);

// Hashing an object that wasn't provided when building the function may collide
// assert!(!hashes.contains(f.hash(b"not_a_key".as_bytes())));



